Monday, August 4

for when you're unsure: these steps

Dear friend,

I'm not sure, these days, if I'm going up or down this staircase of life. If I'm running towards the things that matter. I'd like to think so. Sometimes forward motion seems better than none at all. And it's a constant learning, going up a few, simply to come down a few more.

I don't know where you fall on the staircase. If you're having sweet triumphs and you're near the top. If you're bruised at the bottom. Whatever direction, I'll meet you in the middle.

Maybe these words will fill you like they did me.


She sits one step above me on the staircase. She was on her way down; I was on my way up. That was an hour ago.

"My girl," she says quietly. "You may not feel like you're hearing His voice...but you have His words. Read them. Sit in them and soak them up. Wait for Him."

"Be assured, Elizabeth-

you may not always hear His voice, but you can trust His heart."


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