Who am I?
Ask ten people in my life and they will give you ten different answers.
I am Elizabeth. person. daughter. aunt. student. learner. lover of language. worker. writer. reader. tutor. grammarian. friend. listener. talker, too. helper. goofy dancer. letter writer. volunteer.
And yet-
I am not what I do.
Take away all of my responsibilities, and I am not valuable because of how much I can accomplish. I am not valuable because of how much (or little) I benefit other people.
I am not the sum of forward motion. I am so much more than words on paper, the numbers of my GPA, the amount of errands I can run. Push all of the pieces together, and something is still missing.
I am valuable because I exist.
That's it.
I was created with love by a Creator and that alone is enough.
Everything else...it's just extra. I think it's so easy to get caught up in this dance, especially for women. We play so many roles that it's easy to forget the only one that matters.
I spend so much of my time asking myself things like- Should I have said that?
Should I have done more? Should I have not done anything at all?
Am I a good enough person/student/daughter friend?
I wonder if anyone else replays these tapes in their head.
Something tells me I'm not the only one.
I went into my room today- my messy, whirlwind, chaotic room- and realized how much
So I'm sorting through my stuff and giving a lot of it away.
I am also taking a long, hard look at my priorities.
Because what I have and what I do
don't even come close to making me who I am.
And when I realize that, really realize it- that's the place where I don't have to be anything else but myself. I don't have to do more, or have more, or be more. Not faster or smarter. Not more talkative or more quiet. Not taller or prettier. Not a better writer. Not more capable, more adaptable, more anything.
That place is where I am His.
And that's where my heart was made to rest.
Take away everything you have
everything you do
and everything earthly that could possibly make you valuable-
and your worth stays exactly the same.
Am I enough?
dear friend,
the answer is yes.
Those were some beautiful pearls of wisdom :D
My dear you are more than enough. You are a child of the KING.
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